Bone identification

Cultural Resource Management

Remains Recovery

Training Courses
Leading the way in Remains Analysis
Grave Matters Group is a scientific consultancy firm designed to provide unparalleled expertise, analytical skills, and experience-based insights in the recovery, identification, and analysis of human skeletal remains.
Our team is comprised of expert physical anthropologists and archaeologists with extensive backgrounds in various cultural, historical, and medicolegal settings, both in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
To date, Grave Matters Group has provided skeletal remains-related services to the US Forest Service, national K9 search and rescue teams and forensic training organizations, and multiple coroner’s offices and local & state-level law enforcement agencies across ten states.
See Us in
People Magazine
Grave Matters Group’s President, Dr. Cheryl Johnston, can be found in the June 28 2021 issue’s article A New End of Life Choice: Human Composting: a Greener Grave, featuring our friend Katrina Spade.
40 years experience In Forensic Anthropology
With a combined 40 years of experience, the owners of Grave Matters Group are active practitioners and docents of their craft. With credentials in the United States and the United Kingdom, Grave Matters Group offers a robust mix of qualifications and skills unlike any other on the market.
We Offer a Wide Variety of Services

Bone Identification
human vs non-human, bioarchaeology, forensic analysis

Remains Recovery
surface scatters, clandestine graves, arson scenes

training Courses
bone id., decomposition, forensic methods

Cultural Resource Management
collections analysis, "red flag" assessments, geophysics
let's get Started
Drop us a line and we can begin planning for your project needs.
our Executive Team
Grave Matters Group is a network of talented, expert forensic anthropologists and archeologists, here to help with your project load.

get in touch
- 2506 Bristol Rd - Columbus, OH 43221
(513) 449 - 0648
(513) 449 - 0453 - info@gravematters.group